


In 2018 the FDA granted "breakthrough therapy" status to Psilocybin in ongoing clinical trials. That same year the “Right-To-Try” Act (Senate bill S.204) was signed into law, allowing patients diagnosed with life-threatening conditions to have access to investigational drugs with these trials - therefore including Psilocybin.

While full federal access to Psilocybin is still technically blocked by the DEA, it has since been decriminalized in Oregon, Colorado, and over a dozen major cities. By definition, decriminalization is the reclassification of a law to the effect that it is no longer considered a crime, or below a level worthy of prosecution.

On Nov. 17, 2022, Senators Cory Booker and Rand Paul filed a new bill, called the “Breakthrough Therapies Act” requiring the DEA to deschedule MDMA and Psilocybin to Schedule II drugs, thus correctly reflecting the FDA’s position. President Biden’s administration also announced plans for federal approval of these substances by executive order if the Senate doesn’t act. Therefore, there can be little doubt Psilocybin will be federally legalized for therapeutic uses in the very near future.

These legal presidents allow the Sacred Foundation to now provide facilitator training to prepare clergy and end-of-life professionals for this emerging field of spiritual therapy.


Foundation Right to try

(Click to read Sen. Booker’s remarks)






It’s time to bring back a personal, mystical connection with the Divine, and the sacred use of altered states is a time honored path for doing so.















